
Calcium is one of the most important needs of the body. Calcium is very important for the strength of bones and teeth. It also helps in the contraction of muscles, due to which activities like heartbeat run smoothly. Calcium also helps in normal blood clotting.


Due to so many important functions in the body, the body starts showing signs of calcium deficiency, because when calcium is not supplied by the diet, the body starts taking calcium from the bones. Therefore, it is important to understand the signs of its deficiency in time, otherwise one may have to suffer serious consequences. The condition of calcium deficiency is called hypocalcemia.


How to understand the signs of calcium deficiency-

  • Muscle strain and pain
  • Persistent pain in arms and legs
  • This pain increases after any physical activity 
  • Numbness and tingling sensation in the fingers and toes.
  • Osteopenia and severe osteoporosis.
  • Cavities in teeth
  • Dry and rough skin
  • brittleness and slow nail growth


There are also other signs

  • Premenstrual symptoms can also occur due to calcium deficiency. Mood swings, irritability, unnecessary cravings, severe pain before, after or during periods, body pain and fatigue.
  • Calcium deficiency also leads to inadequate sleep. This disturbs sleep patterns which can lead to insomnia.
  • Due to weakening of bones, the possibility of fracture increases even with a small injury.
  • Brain fog and memory loss



What to do if you have calcium deficiency

If you face any of these symptoms, a simple blood test can confirm calcium deficiency. One important thing to keep in mind while dealing with this deficiency is that along with calcium, vitamin D should also be taken in sufficient quantity, because vitamin D is helpful in absorbing calcium in the body. And it is also very important to understand that calcium is not supplied only by milk and curd, but along with milk, curd, ghee, cheese, there are many such food products which are rich sources of calcium, such as chia seeds, poppy seeds, tofu, broccoli, kale, spinach, collards, beans, lentils, chickpeas etc.
