
Mumbai. It is never easy to go to another country and first live alone and then find work for yourself in the industry there. Actress Priyanka Chopra has talked about her initial phase in Hollywood on many occasions.

Priyanka was feeling lonely abroad

Recently, Priyanka Chopra told in a podcast how she overcame that fear. Priyanka says, “For me, Hollywood was an industry about which I did not know. There were no friends who would call me at two in the morning. I felt very alone, which was a scary experience.”

Priyanka Chopra

The most difficult period of Priyanka's life

Priyanka said, "I was living in New York, which is a challenging city in itself. That was the most difficult period of my life. I had thought that I was not going to be disappointed by these things. I will not say that The doors have been closed for me, but I would rather find a way out for myself."

Priyanka Chopra Photo


Despite being a big actress, did not adopt an ego

Priyanka Chopra said, "I just kept my head down and did my work. I did not bring my ego that I used to be a lead actress in Bollywood. This thought helped me to reach the level where I was." I am today.

Priyanka does this work in fear or panic

The Citadel actress said, "When there is a lot of noise around, there is some kind of fear or anxiety within, then one should talk about it. It doesn't need to be a therapist or your parents, it can be whoever it is." I like to face my fears and anxiety and discuss it with someone."
