A couple in Chennai, Tamil Nadu has been arrested for allegedly forcing their minor daughter into prostitution and filming pornographic pictures and videos. According to the police, they had uploaded the pornographic video of their minor daughter on the Internet to earn money.
This is how the matter was revealed
A complaint was filed by the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) following which a police team tracked down the couple using data received by a subscriber. Police seized the mobile phone of one of the accused and found several video clips of minor girls in it.
Make videos of other girls too
According to a Times of India report, the police said that most of the videos were shot using a hidden camera without the consent of the girls. Further investigation revealed that the man and his wife pushed their own daughter into prostitution and made videos of her with other girls.
The police team arrested the couple
The man sold several video clips and photos of minor girls, including his daughter, online for commercial purposes. The police team arrested the couple and booked them under the POCSO Act. The couple was sent to judicial custody after being produced in a magistrate court.