
New Delhi. The rainy season brings with it many problems. In this season, the risk of dangerous diseases like dengue, malaria increases, along with this, the cases of skin infection also increase. Getting wet in the rain, sweating can cause itching, rashes and excessive itching can cause wounds. If itching has troubled you a lot, then you can get relief from it soon with the help of some home remedies. Know about them here.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is the best oil for the skin. It not only removes itching and other problems, but also keeps the skin hydrated. The properties of fatty acids present in coconut oil make it beneficial for the skin.

Ice Cubes

The use of ice cubes is also very beneficial in removing itching during the rainy season. Cold things numb the skin, due to which there is no feeling of itching. 

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is not only a panacea for itching, but also for many skin problems. Aloe vera gel has cooling and anti-inflammatory properties, which make it an effective treatment for itching as well as sunburn and many other problems caused by heat.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is also very effective in relieving skin itching during monsoon . It not only removes itching but also keeps the body cool. Apart from itching, there is no problem of ringworm and scabies. Actually, the antibacterial properties present in peppermint work to prevent infection. 
