Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme: Investors investing in Sovereign Gold Bond are going to get bumper returns. Investors investing in Series X of Sovereign Gold Bond issued on 4 December in the financial year 2017-18 are going to get a return of 158 percent on their investment. The Reserve Bank of India has released the redemption price of this series of Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme, according to which the maturity price of the bond has been fixed at Rs 7646 per gram for those investors who bought the bond at Rs 2961 per gram.
In the financial year 2017-18, RBI issued Series X bonds (SGB 2017-18 Series X - Issue date December 04, 2017) on 4 December 2017. Premature maturity was allowed on completion of five years of these bonds. Investors have also been receiving interest at a fixed rate of 2.50 percent per annum on investment in these bonds, which is paid every half year.
RBI has fixed the redemption price of this series of sovereign gold bonds at Rs 7646 per gram. Whereas investors had invested in this gold bond in December 2017 at a price of Rs 2961 per gram. That is, the investors who had invested in this series of sovereign gold bonds are going to get a bumper return of 158 percent on their investment. That is, their investment has doubled in this period. Along with this, investors have also been getting 2.50 percent interest annually.
The premature redemption price of Sovereign Gold Bond has been decided as per the average price of three days based on the closing price of 999 purity gold declared by India Bullion and Jewellers Association Ltd. The maturity price of the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme has been decided on the basis of the average price from 29 November 2024 to 3 December 2024.