
Smoking harms health in many ways. It causes serious damage to health, which sometimes becomes the cause of death. This is the reason why health experts always advise to stay away from it. However, despite this, many people are victims of its addiction and it becomes almost impossible for them to leave it, but a recent study has revealed some such things, after hearing which you will definitely think 100 times before touching a cigarette or bidi. Let's know about this latest study in detail-


What does the study say?

According to this recent study, smoking a cigarette can reduce a man's life by an average of 17 minutes and a woman's life by 22 minutes (20 minutes per cigarette). To conduct this study, researchers from University College London (UCL) analyzed data from the British Doctors Study and the Million Women Study. In these studies, smoking habits and its health effects were monitored for decades. This revealed that people who do not quit smoking have a life expectancy of 10 to 11 years less than those who do not smoke.


Smoking can take away 10 years of your life

According to Dr. Sarah Jackson of UCL's Alcohol and Tobacco Research, this study highlights the shocking effects of smoking. On average , smokers lose about a decade of their life. A recent study revealed that smoking a normal pack of 20 cigarettes can reduce the life of a smoker by about seven hours. In such a situation, the revelations made in the study make the effort to quit smoking even more important.


effect of quitting smoking

Not only this, this study also revealed the effect of quitting smoking . A smoker who smokes 10 cigarettes a day can save one whole day of his life by quitting smoking for just one week and can get back one month of life by not smoking for eight months. On the other hand, by not smoking for one year, a person can save himself from losing 50 days of life.


Smoking makes you sick and old soon

Not only this, this study also revealed that smoking can make you sick and old faster. This means that smoking takes away healthy years of your life, which accelerates the onset of poor health. For example, the health profile of a 60-year-old smoker is usually similar to that of a 70-year-old non-smoker. In such a situation, researchers have advised that quitting smoking completely is the only way to get maximum health benefits.