It has been six days since Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar's film Sky Force was released in theatres. The film was specially released on the occasion of Republic Day and due to being a patriotic team, the makers had very high expectations from this film.
How many crores did the film earn in opening?
In a way, the new year is proving to be very good for Akshay Kumar. The film earned a lot of money on the opening weekend and now Skyforce is not stopping even on weekdays. The film had an opening of 12.25 crores at the box office and later gained good momentum. Let's know what are the latest figures of Skyforce.
What is the 6th day collection of Sky Force
Sky Force was released in theatres on 24 January. The film collected 15.30 crores on its first day i.e. Friday. After this, the film's collection increased on the second day due to the weekend and the film collected 26.30 crores. The film benefited more on the third day and its collection reached 31.30 crores. On the fourth day, the film earned 8.10 crores. After this, the film's collection reached 6 crores on the fifth day.
Now if we look at the early trends, then according to the report of Saconilk, till the time of writing the news, director Abhishek Anil Kapoor and Sandeep Kelvani's Sky Force can do a business of 4.31 crores on the sixth day. According to this, the total collection of the film has reached 91.31 crores.
The film also created a stir in the world
The film is also earning a lot worldwide. According to Maddock Films, Sky Force has so far grossed Rs 92.90 crore worldwide. Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahadia have played the role of Indian Air Force officers in Sky Force. The story of the film is based on the India-Pakistan air war. Apart from Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahadia, Nimrat Kaur and Sara Ali Khan were seen in the film.