
According to the Panchang, Pradosh Vrat is observed on the day when Trayodashi Tithi prevails in Pradosh Kaal. In September, Pradosh Vrat is falling on Sunday, so it will also be called Ravi Pradosh Vrat. On Ravi Pradosh Vrat, there is a provision to worship Lord Shiva as well as Sun God. In such a situation, you can recite Aditya Hridya Stotra on this day and get auspicious results.


Aditya Hridaya Stotra


ॐ The sage of this Aditya Heart Stotra is Agastya and the chant is Anuṣṭup

Lord Brahma, the deity, by removing all obstacles, is the sacrifice for the attainment of Brahma-vidya and the attainment of victory everywhere


East Pithita

Then, exhausted from the battle, he stood in anxiety on the battlefield.



Seeing Ravana in front preparing for battle

He met the demigods and came to see the battle

Then venerable Agastya approached Rama and addressed him as follows

O Rāma, Rāma, mighty-armed one, please hear this eternal secret.

By this, O child, you will conquer all your enemies in battle.

The heart of the sun is sacred and destroys all enemies.

This ever inexhaustible and supremely auspicious chanting brings victory.

It is auspicious for all and destroys all sins.

It is the best reliever of anxiety and sorrow and increaser of life.

Original -Stotra

The rising sun was worshiped by the demigods and demons.

Worship Vivasvan the sun lord of the worlds.

This effulgent form of the sun is the embodiment of all the demigods.

With his rays he protects the worlds of devatas and asuras

This is the son of Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Śiva, Skanda and Prajāpati Dakṣa.

Mahendra is the giver of wealth Kala is Yama and Soma is the lord of waters.

The forefathers are the Vasus, the Sādhyas, the Aśvinī-kumāras, the Maruts and the Manus.

The wind carries the living beings and the sun creates the seasons

The sun-god is the sun-god, and the sun-god is the sun-god.

Bhanurhiranyareta Divakar like gold: ॥10॥

The horse Haridaśva has a thousand fires, and the seven fires are seven.

Shambhu destroyer of darkness Tvashta Martandaka and Anshuman

The sun is the source of gold, and winter is the source of heat.

The son of Aditi was Agnigarbha who destroyed the winter

He is the master of the sky and can pierce the darkness. He is well versed in the Ṛg, Yajur and Sāma Vedas.

Heavy rainfall of water is a friend of the float on the streets of Vindhya.

The scorching congregation is death: the pigment is the all-heating.

He is learned Visva effulgent red and the source of all beings.

He is the master of the stars, planets and stars and is the creator of the universe.

O most effulgent among the effulgent, O Soul of the twelve, I offer my obeisances unto Thee.

Obeisances to the mountains in the east, and to the mountains in the west.

O lord of the hosts of luminaries lord of the day I offer my obeisances unto thee.

Obeisances to Jaya, Jayabhadra and Haryaśva.

"Obeisances to you who are a thousand parts of the sun Obeisances to you"

Obeisances to the fierce, heroic, and bear-like creatures.

Obeisances to You who awaken from the lotus and to You who are tremendous.

O Lord of Brahmā, Lord Acyuta, Lord of the demigods, You are as effulgent as the sun.

O shining all-devouring dreadful body I offer my obeisances unto thee.

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O destroyer of darkness, destroyer of snow, destroyer of enemies, O immeasurable soul!

O lord of the luminaries destroyer of the ungrateful

O Lord Viśvakarmā, you are as bright as burning gold.

Obeisance to you who destroy darkness and who are tasteful and who witness the worlds.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead destroys all living entities, but He creates them.

He gives water to the earth He gives heat to the earth He showers rain with his rays

The Supreme Personality of Godhead is present in all living entities while they are asleep and awake.

This also is the Agnihotra and also the fruits of the performers of Agnihotra.

The demigods and the sacrifices and the fruits of the sacrifices

Whatever deeds the supreme lord performed in all the worlds

He protected Him in times of distress, difficulty, desert and fear.

O Rama no one gets depressed by chanting his name

Worship Him with one mind, the Lord of the gods, the master of the universe.

By chanting this mantra three times you will be victorious in battles.

At this moment, O mighty-armed one, you will defeat Ravana.

Thus addressed Agastya departed exactly as he had come

Hearing this the effulgent Rama was relieved of his grief

O Rama the selfcontrolled Rama held it with great pleasure

Seeing the sun and chanting the Vedas he experienced supreme joy

Having performed three ablutions he became pure and the mighty Rama took up his bow

He was delighted to see Ravana coming for victory

With great effort the killing of Rama was carried out

Seeing Lord Rāmacandra, the sun-god was overjoyed and exceedingly delighted.

Having learned of the destruction of the lord of the nightrangers he spoke to the host of devatas in haste