Pitru Paksha is considered from the full moon date of Bhadrapada month to the new moon date of Ashwin month. In such a situation, this year Pitru Paksha started from 18 September 2024, which will end on 02 October. This is the period when the ancestors come to Earth. In such a situation, if you see dreams related to ancestors during Pitru Paksha, then it is believed that the ancestors want to say something to you. Let's know about this topic.
Meaning of seeing ancestors in dreams (Pitru Paksha Ke Shubh Sapne)
If in your dream your ancestors are seen extending their hands towards you, then it is considered an auspicious sign. Which means that your ancestors are happy with you and soon all the problems of your life are going to end. Along with this, if your ancestors are seen happy in the dream, then it is considered a very auspicious sign in Swapna Shastra. This means that soon some good news is going to be received.
These dreams come when you are angry
If you see your ancestors silent in your dreams, it means that your ancestors want an atmosphere of peace and happiness in your family. In such a situation, you should perform puja at home to please your ancestors. Along with this, if you see your ancestors sad or crying in your dreams, then this is also not considered a good sign. It means that some trouble may come in your life.
this is a good dream
If you have such a dream in which the ancestors are talking to you, then this is also considered an auspicious dream in Swapna Shastra. It means that you can get some big success in the coming time. At the same time, seeing ancestors combing their hair or distributing sweets in the dream is also considered an auspicious dream. It means that the blessings of the ancestors are on you.