
Gud and Chana Benefits:  The combination of jaggery and roasted gram is quite amazing in the winter season. These are not only delicious to eat, but are also very beneficial for health. Eating them daily in the winter season can improve health a lot. Here we are going to tell you about the benefits of eating jaggery and roasted gram (Gud and Chana Benefits in Winter), after knowing which you will definitely make them a part of your diet.


Regulates the temperature

Jaggery and roasted gram provide warmth to the body in winter. Jaggery helps in controlling the temperature inside the body, due to which cold is felt less in the winter season.


Makes bones stronger

Jaggery and roasted gram are rich in calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for strengthening bones.


Improves the digestive system

Both jaggery and chickpeas are rich in fiber, which improves the digestion process. They help relieve constipation and keep the intestines healthy.


Cleans the blood

Jaggery helps in removing toxic substances from the blood, which keeps the blood clean and gives a natural glow to the skin.


Strengthens the immune system

Jaggery and gram contain anti-oxidants, which strengthen the body's immune system. It is very beneficial to prevent infections in winters.


Beneficial for heart health

Jaggery contains iron and minerals, which improve blood circulation and keep the heart healthy. Roasted gram is also beneficial for heart health.


Helpful in weight loss

Roasted chickpeas contain a good amount of protein and fiber, which helps in controlling hunger. Eating it keeps the stomach full, which helps in avoiding overeating and thus helps in weight loss.



The minerals found in jaggery help in removing toxic substances from the body . Its consumption detoxifies the body, due to which toxins are removed from the body.


Reduces stress and fatigue

Magnesium and phosphorus are found in jaggery, which help in reducing stress. It also gives mental peace and energy, which reduces fatigue.


Brightens the skin

Consuming jaggery and gram gives glow to the skin. The antioxidants and minerals present in jaggery are beneficial for the skin and improve the skin from within.