It is common to not get sunlight during winters, but when the sun is not visible for the whole week, it is very dangerous for health. This has been happening for the last several days. Due to not getting sunlight, people's mental tension has increased. It is also affecting your hormones. Let us tell you that not getting sunlight affects your entire body. This includes your mood, health, vitamin deficiency, etc.
Happy hormones are decreasing
Increasing mental tension due to lack of sunlight in winters is a common problem. Now mental tension is increasing due to lack of sunlight. Due to this reason, happy hormones are decreasing. Lack of sunlight is affecting neurochemicals. Its biggest effect is on patients of depression and anxiety. Sunlight contains vitamin D, which is essential for our body. Mental tension is increasing due to lack of vitamin D.
Irritation is increasing due to lack of sunlight
Doctors say that when the human body does not get sunlight in winter, it affects three neurochemicals. These include (serotonin hormone) serotonin, (norepinephrine) nor epinephrine and (dopamine) dopamine. Doctors say that these three play an important role in the happiness of any person. In winter, when there is less sunlight, these serotonin, nor epinephrine and dopamine are not active. Due to this, you start having problems like irritability and tension.
Sunshine hours are decreasing
The average time of sunshine in winter is 7 to 8 hours. Whereas in summer the sunshine hours are 9 to 10 hours. The problem in winter is that when there is more fog, sometimes the sunshine hours reduce from 8 hours to 5 hours. Because many times the sun is covered in fog. Whereas when the weather is very bad, these sunshine hours become absolutely zero. Therefore, it is very important to get adequate sunlight when the sun rises in winter.
These are also the ways to deal with these problems
1. Take vitamin D tablets: If you cannot go out in the sun, taking vitamin D tablets can be a good option.
2. Use light therapy: Light therapy is a type of therapy that uses specially designed light to help control melatonin levels.
3. Exercise: Exercise can increase levels of happy hormones, which can improve your mood.