
Walking is very good for health. People who walk not only stay healthy but also remain very active. Therefore, you should try to walk every day. But this question remains in everyone's mind that one has to walk but how much should one walk so that health remains good.


It is reasonable for this question to come to mind. But people give different answers to this. But today we will tell you how important walking is and how many benefits walking has. In such a situation, you should also know how many steps you should walk every day. 


Walking is a great exercise, but if you are not able to see its benefits, there may be many reasons behind it. Here are some reasons why you are not getting benefits despite walking.


Walking speed and distance: If you are walking too slowly or for too short a distance, then you will not be able to reap its benefits. Therefore, people who walk at a very slow pace do not get as much benefit from walking as those who walk at a fast pace.

Walk regularly:  If you are not walking regularly, then you will not get its benefits. Many people walk with gaps which is not beneficial for health. So make it a habit to walk regularly. If you are walking more than 5 thousand steps daily then it is very good. Studies show that you should walk at least 7500 steps to stay away from depression. 


Use of mobile during walk:  If you are doing other activities like using mobile phone or listening to music during walk, then you will not get its benefits. While walking, just walk. If you concentrate your mind on something else, then you will not be able to get the benefits of the walk. 


Rest after walk: If you are not taking enough rest after daily walk, then its benefits will not be there. Try to rest for some time after walking. How much walking to do daily depends on many factors, such as age, weight, and health goals.


Generally, it is recommended for adults to walk at least 30 minutes a day. It is important to note that the walking speed and distance are also important. Ideally, you should walk at a moderate pace and walk at least 5-7 kilometers daily.
