
A healthy diet is very important to stay healthy. In such a situation, one must take care of proper eating habits. Winter is considered a very good season in terms of food and drink. Many vegetables are available in this season, which provide many benefits to health.


Carrot and beetroot are one of these, which people include in their diet in many ways. Many people drink its juice daily, because it is very healthy. It works as a supplement of many nutrients. Beetroot is a sweet root to reduce sugar. At the same time, carrot is considered very nutritious for the health of many parts of the body. When they are mixed, they make a healthy drink option.


How to make carrot and beetroot juice


Peel and clean carrots and beetroot. Cut them into small pieces. Add half a cup of water in the blender. Blend until smooth juice is ready. It can be made more tangy and nutritious by adding lemon juice. Let's know what are the benefits of drinking beetroot carrot juice -


skin health

Carrot and beetroot juice helps prevent skin pigmentation and discoloration. Being rich in vitamin C and iron, these juices normalize skin color, maintain its redness, and make the skin soft and smooth.


Heart Health

Carrot and beet juice contain heart healthy compounds, such as fiber and betaine, which may help lower cholesterol levels and support heart health.


Gut Health

Beetroot and carrot juice, rich in fibre, improves bowel movement and digestion, thus helping in maintaining good gut health.


Kids Health

This juice provides relief from constipation in children. The Vitamin A present in carrots is beneficial for the eyes of children. It gives instant energy to children and also boosts their immunity.


blood pressure

Nitric oxide is found in beetroot, which acts as a vessel dilator. It relaxes the blood vessels and improves blood flow. In this way, this juice helps in controlling blood pressure .


benefits of beetroot and carrot juice

Potassium, zinc, iron, folic acid, manganese and vitamin C are found in beetroot which cleanses the blood. Carrots, which are rich in vitamin A, remove acne and wrinkles and are also very beneficial for the eyes. So do not forget to include the wonder juice made from carrot and beetroot in your diet.