
Jitiya Vrat has a special significance in Hinduism. On this day, women observe fast and do proper puja for the well-being of their children. This day is also known as Jivitputrika Vrat. This fast is mainly observed in Bihar, Jharkhand and some parts of Uttar Pradesh in India. This time this fast will be observed on 25 September.

The worship of this day (Jitiya Vrat 2024) should be concluded after performing the Aarti properly, so that the full benefits of the worship can be obtained.



Jitiya Vrat Parana Samay (Jitiya Vrat Parana Samay)

According to the Hindu calendar, Jitiya Vrat will be observed on September 25. At the same time, its Parana can be done the next day i.e. on September 26 between 4.35 am to 5.23 am.


Stuti of Lord Shiva

Karpur Gauram Karunavataram Sansara Saram Bhujgendraharam.

Sada Basanta Hridayarabinde Bhabam Bhavanisahit Namami.

Jitiya Vrat Aarti (Jitiya Vrat Aarti In Hindi)

Om Jai Kashyap son, Lord Jai Aditi son.

Tribhuvan blackness, devotee heart sandalwood. Om Jai Kashyap...

Seven horse chariots ruled by one chakradhari.

Remover of sorrow, giver of happiness, giver of health. Om Jai Kashyap...

Sur Muni Bhusur Vandit, Vimal is glorious.

Sun is the sun of every corner, the gardener of divine rays. Om Jai Kashyap...

Savita is the creator of all good deeds and is auspicious.

World review and redemption, the bondage of existence is heavy. Om Jai Kashyap...

Lotus group developer, destroyer of three types of heat.

By serving you easily you remove all the mental anguish. Om Jai Kashyap...

Every demon defeated eye disease and earth suffering.

Rain release is constant, fasting for the welfare of others. Om Jai Kashyap...

Sun god is compassionate, please show mercy now.

Remove all ignorance and attachment, give me the knowledge of truth. Om Jai Kashyap...

Om Jai Kashyap son, Lord Jai Aditi son.