
New Delhi. Changing lifestyle is becoming the cause of many health problems these days. Obesity is one of these problems, which is making many people its victim these days. Due to inactive lifestyle and wrong eating habits, people's weight is increasing rapidly. Obesity is a serious problem, which is affecting many people around the world. WHO itself has issued a warning regarding this. Obesity can cause or affect many health problems. Arthritis is one such problem, which can be a result of obesity.

In such a situation, Dr. Anurag Agarwal, Managing Director, Orthopedic Specialist and Joint Replacement Surgeon at Cosmos Hospital, Moradabad, is explaining how obesity affects arthritis.

The link between obesity and arthritis

Doctors say that joint discomfort, swelling and reduced movement are some of the symptoms of arthritis. Arthritis is a chronic disease in which there is inflammation and stiffness in the joints and is also known as Arthritis. At the same time, obesity is one of the major factors that makes a person a victim of osteoarthritis (OA). OA is the most common type of arthritis. When a person is overweight, the mechanical stress on weight-bearing joints, including knees and hips, increases.

Obesity can make arthritis worse

Apart from this, the doctor also said that obesity can change the biomechanics and alignment of joints, resulting in abnormal loading patterns. Along with this, obesity further endangers the stability of joints due to weakening of ligaments and tendons supporting the joints. Due to this, the degenerative process of joints can accelerate and the risk of their damage can increase even more.

That's why weight loss is necessary in arthritis

In such a situation, losing weight can reduce the pressure on weight-bearing joints, thereby reducing the risk and intensity of osteoarthritis. In severe arthritis, when all conventional treatments such as medication, lifestyle changes, etc., do not give long-term relief to patients, knee replacement surgery may be necessary. In the last few years, technologies such as robotic arm-assisted technology have transformed joint replacement surgery worldwide.

What is robotics technology?

Explaining this treatment technique, the doctor said that robotics technology helps in creating a virtual 3D model of the patient's diseased joint based on CT scan. This technology helps doctors to plan the surgery, make precise bone cuts and decide the replacement alignment even before going to the operation theatre.
