
Amla and Beetroot Juice Benefits: To keep the body healthy, we need to include such things in our diet which are rich in nutrition. Two such foods are Amla and Beetroot. Both of these are a storehouse of nutrients and eating them regularly helps in preventing many problems. If you want, you can get many health benefits by mixing the juice of both of them and drinking it. In this article, we will learn about what benefits the body gets by drinking Amla and Beetroot Juice in the morning.


First let us know how Amla and Beetroot are beneficial for the body.

Benefits of Amla

  • Rich in Vitamin C - Amla is rich in Vitamin C , which strengthens the immune system.
  • Helpful in digestion- Amla boosts digestive enzymes, which helps in easy digestion of food.
  • Relief from Constipation- Amla contains fiber which provides relief from constipation.
  • Helps in weight loss- Amla contains anti-oxidants which help in weight loss.
  • Blood Pressure Control- Amla helps in controlling blood pressure.

Benefits of Beetroot

  • Rich in nitrates – Beetroot contains nitrates, which increase blood circulation and lower blood pressure.
  • Vitamins and Minerals- Beetroot contains vitamins and minerals like folate, potassium and magnesium, which are essential for the body.
  • Anti-oxidants- Beetroot contains anti-oxidants, which protect the cells from getting damaged.
  • Increases energy- Beetroot contains betaine which increases energy levels.
  • Production of red blood cells- Beetroot promotes the production of red blood cells.

Benefits of drinking mixed amla and beetroot juice

  • Powerhouse of Nutrition- Amla and Beetroot are both rich in nutrients, hence drinking their juice mixed together provides the body with essential nutrients.
  • Strengthens the immune system- Both amla and beetroot strengthen the immune system, thereby preventing infections.
  • Improves digestion- Amla and beetroot both aid in digestion, so drinking their juice mixed together can help relieve digestive problems.
  • Helps in controlling blood pressure- Amla and beetroot both help in controlling blood pressure , hence drinking their juice mixed together can help prevent blood pressure related problems.
  • Increases energy- Amla and beetroot both increase the energy level, hence drinking their juice mixed together relieves fatigue and weakness.
