Tips For Good Sleep: There can be many reasons for poor sleep, including unhealthy lifestyle, too much stress, staying on the screen for a long time, excessive consumption of caffeine and being less physically active. Due to which many health problems like fatigue, irritability, lack of attention and weakness in immune power start arising in the body. Along with this, it can also increase the risk of problems like mental health, weight gain, heart diseases and diabetes. Therefore, good sleep is very important to always stay healthy, fit and active in a good lifestyle, for which some of the best tips are given here. Let's know about them.
Improve your sleep with these tips
Set a regular sleeping time – Sleeping and waking up at a fixed time daily balances the body's biological clock, which improves the quality of sleep.
Reduce screen time before bedtime- Blue light emitted from mobile, TV, and computer affects melatonin production in the body, which can hinder sleep. So stay away from screens an hour before bedtime.
Create a comfortable environment- Keeping the bedroom cool, quiet, and dark, with a comfortable mattress and pillow, helps you sleep well. A calm and comfortable atmosphere in your bedroom prepares the body for sleep.
Limit caffeine intake- Excessive consumption of caffeine spoils the quality of sleep. Especially in the later part of the day. Therefore, reduce the consumption of caffeine during this time. Stay away from tea, coffee and energy drinks, so that the body does not have trouble resting at night.
Adopt a relaxing routine – Meditation, light yoga or listening to music before sleeping gives peace to the mind and reduces stress, which helps in falling asleep quickly.
Regular physical activity- Exercising during the day makes the body feel tired and helps in getting good sleep.
Eat light meals- Eat light meals two to three hours before bedtime. Heavy meals can affect digestion , which can lead to discomfort while sleeping.
Drink herbal tea- Herbal teas like chamomile tea, lemon tea or lavender calm the mind and aid in getting good sleep.
Adopt positive thoughts- Before sleeping, forget about the negative things of the day and focus on the good and positive things and express gratitude for it, this gives peace to the mind and helps in getting good sleep.