New Delhi. Sleeping Tips: We have heard many times about how important it is to have complete sleep for good health. Doctors have also told many times that lack of sleep or frequent awakenings at night causes a lot of damage to health. Therefore, to stay healthy, it is very important to have at least 7-9 hours of complete sleep. However, due to poor diet and lifestyle, the problem of sleeplessness has become quite common. Due to this, one has to face problems like sleeplessness at night, frequent awakenings, etc.
Not only this, due to lack of sleep, you feel very tired the next morning, work productivity decreases, irritability, headache and many other problems can also occur. That is why it is very important to get enough sleep. Let us know about some such tips related to this (Sleeping Tips), with the help of which you can get a lot of help in reducing your problem of insomnia.
Set a bedtime and wake-up time
For a good sleep, it is very important to have a correct circadian rhythm. So try to sleep and wake up at a fixed time. This will set your biological clock and you will also get good sleep. Also, by sleeping and waking up at a regular time, your day's work is also completed accordingly and you have enough time to get enough sleep. So, definitely set a time.
Keep distance from the phone
Nowadays it has become almost impossible to work without a phone, but it is better to stay away from it when you go to sleep. Let us tell you that blue light comes out from the smartphone, due to which your brain remains active and melatonin is not produced, which is responsible for sleep. Due to this, you do not get sleep. Therefore, stop using the smartphone one or two hours before sleeping.
darken the room
Many people have the habit of sleeping in light, but let us tell you that melatonin is produced less in light, due to which the quality of sleep is affected. Therefore, when you go to sleep, try to turn off the lights of your room and sleep.
do the exercise
Do some exercise during the day. Exercising helps a lot in reducing stress. Reducing stress leads to good sleep. Therefore, do exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. However, do not exercise immediately before sleeping.
Reduce your caffeine intake
Do not eat or drink things that contain caffeine before going to bed at night. Actually, caffeine causes insomnia . So do not eat coffee, tea, chocolate etc. 7-8 hours before your bedtime. This will help you sleep well at night.