
New Delhi. In winters, we are often unable to eat many fruits due to cold and cough, but as soon as summer arrives, we get to eat a lot of fruits, because fruits with cold nature are very beneficial for cooling the body during this time. In summer, fruits like mango, watermelon, muskmelon, jamun, papaya, pineapple are easily available in the market, which are very tasty and nutritious.

In pursuit of the benefits of fruits, we start consuming them more than necessary, which is harmful for health. Eating these summer fruits in excess can also harm health in many ways. Let us know how excessive consumption of these summer fruits can be harmful-


Watermelon contains a chemical called lycopene, excessive consumption of which can cause digestive problems like vomiting, nausea, loose motion, bloating, gas, heartburn. Some people may also be allergic to watermelon, which can cause swelling or rashes. Eating it in large quantities can also cause a sugar spike.


Diabetic people should not eat too much melon, because it contains a lot of natural sugar, which causes a rapid sugar spike. Excessive consumption of melon can also lead to weight gain. It should not be consumed even if one has a cold, as it has a cold effect. Due to the presence of more fiber, it can also cause bloating or gas problems.


The king of fruits, mango, is the most sold fruit in summers because it is everyone's favourite. But eating too much mango can cause many problems to some people like sore throat, itching, stomach ache, runny nose, indigestion, diarrhoea, boils, pimples etc. Eating mango in excess quantity increases weight along with sugar.


Eating too much of blackberries can lead to low blood pressure, constipation, acne and some people may even be allergic to it.
