
How to make round rotis without kneading and rolling: Summer has started and scorching heat has started in many parts of the country. In this season, whether you have to work outside in the sun or stand in the kitchen cooking for hours, you become drenched in sweat. While cooking in the kitchen, most of the time is spent in rolling and baking rotis. Kneading the dough for rotis, then rolling them out and then standing and baking them. If the family is large then it takes even more time. In such a situation, everyone wishes that there is a trick by which the rotis become round and fluffy and require less effort.

Today we are telling you one such trick for baking rotis, in which you will neither need to knead the dough with force nor will there be a need to roll round rotis. With this trick, you can prepare round and fluffy rotis without any effort. Believe me, everyone in your house will like these rotis and you will not need to work too hard. 

How to make round rotis without rolling them

To make roti with this trick, first of all,l you have to take an equal quantity of wheat flour and and all-purpose flour. If you have taken half a cup of wheat flour then take only half an all-purpose cup of all purpose flour. Mix it in a mixing bowl. Now add about one and a half cups of lukewarm water to it and mix it well. Prepare its thin solution. Now add salt to it and mix again. Finally, add a spoon of take-off oil to it. 

Now heat a non-stick pan and apply a little oil on it with the help of tissue paper. Now, with the help of a ladle, pour a ladleful of flour mixture on it and spread it. After it is cooked from one side, turn it and cook it from the other side. Press the rotis lightly to make them puff up and after baking from both the sides, take them out and keep themonn a plate. Serve it with lentils or vegetables.
