In the changing times, one change that has come is that people have now started talking about sex and mental health. Experts say that sex is as important for humans as food, water, air, and having a roof to live. Sex life also affects your mental health. However, this can be both positive and negative.
According to experts, when a person's needs are not met, it can affect his physical and mental health. Therefore, for many people, having a healthy sex life is very important for happiness and a fulfilling life. Let us know how sex affects mental health.
positive effect
> Happy Hormones
If you are feeling happy after sex, then it is proof that sex activity has released hormones like dopamine, oxytocin and endorphin, and serotonin, which are also known as happy hormones.
> boost self-confidence
Lack of sex in a relationship can make a person feel insecure and lack confidence. Similarly, expressing the feeling and desire for intimacy with one's partner improves self-confidence for many people.
negative effect
Sex or sexual activities are not good for everyone's mental health. Unhealthy sexual behavior can often be exploitative, disrespectful to self and others, and may not foster the intimacy that is needed for a healthy sex life. According to experts, things like hypersexuality, masturbation, pornography, and casual sex can affect mental health.
>Compulsive sex
Compulsive sex or sex addiction that is difficult to control can be harmful to both yourself and your partner. It can also hurt health, jobs, relationships, or other parts of life.
>Risky sexual behavior
Risky sexual behavior such as unprotected sex, having multiple sexual partners, or having sex with a high-risk partner, as well as engaging in sexual activity at an early age can also have negative effects. These can have adverse effects on physical and mental health.
Masturbation and Mental Health
Masturbation plays an important role in healthy sexual development. This is a normal, natural, and safe way to experience pleasure. It reduces stress, and improves mood and sleep. However, compulsive masturbation can hurt the individual as well as his or her relationships and socio-professional functioning.