A group of prominent Indian Hindu religious leaders united through a public declaration to promote peace and dialogue on February 4, 2025 because of rising religious disputes in the Indian subcontinent. The number of incidents between religious groups mixed with violent clashes as well as internal communal conflicts has risen steadily over the past months especially within regions that discriminate against religious minority communities. Several religious leadership figures together demanded an immediate stop to both violence and discrimination since ahimsa (non-violence) and sarva dharma samabhava (equal respect for all religions) form essential elements of Hindu philosophy.
The document initiated by Swami Vivekananda followers alongside Art of Living Foundation leadership promotes spiritual dialogue which aims to build strong relationships and peaceful interaction between Indian and Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities. Leadership figures stressed the need to embrace diverse understanding as well as respect for diversity because this combination fights extremism while maintaining peaceful coexistence as a fundamental value for the generations ahead.
Through their statement the Hindu leaders encouraged people to both participate in community development activities and take action against all types of religious prejudice. The agreement established that Hinduism stands ready to support global peace efforts because its long-standing commitment extends to spiritual and every life form. Multiple important religious leaders representing various faiths united to support the call for peace by expressing this perspective.
The appeal emerges when political conflicts and sporadic incidents of violence have intensified tensions between Hindu and Muslim communities throughout India. The call for religious nationalism in the country has become increasingly strong while various population segments advocate for policies they claim will minimize religious minority groups.
The spiritual leaders emphasized that government measures must include hate speech restrictions along with religious freedom protections and faith equality in opportunities. Youth among others should pursue religious dialogue together with community service to build unity across all faiths.
The religious leaders from all faiths wait eagerly for South Asian political actors as well as civil society representatives to embrace their peaceful dialogue call which will result in decreased tensions throughout the region.