
Early Breakfast Benefits:  Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. It gives our body the necessary energy and helps us to stay active throughout the day, but do you know that if you have breakfast before 9 am, then your health can also get some benefits. Yes, the best time to have breakfast is before 7-9 am. Let us know what changes can be seen in your health if you have breakfast before 9 am for 45 consecutive days.


Why is it necessary to have breakfast before 9 am?

  • Strengthens the digestive system- When we wake up in the morning, our digestive system is ready to become active after rest. Eating breakfast at this time makes the digestive process run smoothly and food is easily digested.
  • Increases energy level- Morning breakfast provides us with the necessary energy for the whole day. Due to this, we do not feel tired and lethargic and are able to complete our daily routine easily.
  • Boosts metabolism- Eating breakfast in the morning increases the rate of metabolism . This burns calories faster and keeps weight under control.
  • Sharpens the brain- Eating breakfast provides the brain with the necessary nutrients, which makes it work better. This improves memory and focus.


  • Increases immune power- A healthy breakfast strengthens the immune power and protects us from various types of diseases and infections.

Special benefits of having breakfast before 9 am

  • Weight Control- Eating breakfast in the morning reduces the desire to eat repeatedly throughout the day, which keeps the weight under control.
  • Reduces mood swings – Breakfast keeps blood sugar levels stable, which reduces mood swings and keeps you more cheerful.


  • Beneficial for heart health- Morning breakfast helps in reducing the risk of heart diseases.
  • Prevents digestive problems- Digestive problems like constipation, acidity can be avoided by having breakfast in the morning.

Tips for breakfast in the morning

  • Healthy Diet- Include carbohydrates, protein and fiber in breakfast.
  • Fruits and Vegetables- Including fresh fruits and vegetables in breakfast provides you with essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Milk and curd- Milk and curd are a good source of calcium, which is essential for bones.
  • Cereals- Cereals like oatmeal, porridge are rich in fibre and are good for digestion.
  • Drink water – Drinking a glass of water before breakfast helps activate the digestive system.