Cancer is a serious and life-threatening disease, which needs timely treatment. If this disease is not detected on time, then the patient may die due to delay in treatment. There are many types of cancer. The part of the body which it affects is known by that name. One of them is pancreatic cancer. It is one of the most common cancers in the world.
Talking about statistics, every year about 10,860 new cases of pancreatic cancer are reported in India, which is 1.03% of the total cases. To avoid this disease, it is very important to identify its early symptoms. So that it can be treated in time.
what is pancreatic cancer
According to the report of John Hopkins Medicine, pancreatic cancer is a very serious disease. Pancreatic cancer starts due to the birth of cancerous cells in the pancreas. The average age of getting this cancer is 72 years. Pancreas works to control digestion and blood sugar level in our body. Usually this disease is detected late. Due to which treatment becomes difficult. Talking about India, the cases of pancreatic cancer in men are 0.5-2.4 per lakh and in women it is 0.2-1.8 per lakh.
early symptoms of pancreatic cancer
An early symptom of this disease is back and abdominal pain. This may be a common problem, but if the pain persists for a long time, it should not be ignored. Apart from abdominal and back pain, symptoms like jaundice, weight loss, gastrointestinal (GI) problems, fatigue, diabetes, loss of appetite are also included. Stomach and abdominal pain often starts from the middle of the stomach and goes to the back. It is felt more after eating or while lying down. This pain is caused by pressure on the nerves of the affected areas.
Consult a doctor immediately
The report states that the pain associated with pancreatic cancer can vary from person to person. If you feel any new pain or symptoms, do not ignore them. Consult a doctor immediately and get the necessary treatment.
Effects of pancreatic cancer
This is a rapidly spreading disease. Due to this the digestive system gets affected. Due to which the pancreas becomes incapable of producing enzymes. In this condition the body becomes weak. Due to which the patient has to face fatigue, weight loss and other physical problems.