Delhi Chunav 2025: Senior Aam Aadmi Party leader and MP Sanjay Singh hit back at the BJP on Sunday. He asked what happened to the promises of Rs 15 lakh each, permanent houses, doubling the income of farmers and two crore jobs annually. Listing the achievements of the Aam Aadmi Party, Sanjay Singh said that the Punjab government provided 300 units of free electricity, 50 thousand government jobs, excellent schools, hospitals and mohalla clinics. He alleged that the BJP worked to increase inflation, corruption and black money in the country.
Sanjay Singh sought details of the Modi government's work from Union Minister Hardeep Puri. He alleged that the Modi government works for industrialist Gautam Adani. The AAP MP said that the BJP had promised to bring back black money from abroad and distribute Rs 15 lakh each. Farmers were also happy that their income would double after the BJP government was formed. A promise was made to provide a concrete house by 15 August 2022. The public was happy with the promise of petrol at Rs 50 per liter and diesel at Rs 40 per liter. Today, the price of petrol and diesel has crossed Rs 100 per liter.
Sanjay Singh reminded BJP of its promises
Sanjay Singh cornered the government on the issue of inflation and said that a gas cylinder worth Rs 400 is available for Rs 1200. The price of pulses has gone up to Rs 250 per kg and mustard oil to Rs 300 per litre. The AAP MP reiterated Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's statement on inflation. He said that the BJP has lied and betrayed India's borders.
The MP said that BJP has no right to question Aam Aadmi Party. In Punjab, AAP government supplied water to dry canals. Schools, hospitals and mohalla clinics were built. 50 thousand unemployed people got government jobs. He said that the promise of giving thousand rupees to women will also be fulfilled. Sanjay Singh alleged that Modi government is working for Gautam Adani. Aam Aadmi Party and Arvind Kejriwal have worked for the public.