
New Delhi. Tips to Prevent Stomach Infection in Monsoon:  As soon as monsoon arrives, the mind starts eating spicy and fried food outside. However, due to humidity and increasing moisture in the air in this season, bacteria grow rapidly and due to this the risk of infection increases. Therefore, the risk of stomach infection increases significantly in this season. In such a situation, it is very important to take care of your food and drink during the rainy season. Let us know what precautions should be taken to avoid stomach infection in monsoon.

Drink boiled water

Waterborne diseases spread very fast during monsoon . Germs also start growing rapidly in this season, which can contaminate drinking water. Therefore, drink water after boiling it properly. This will kill the germs present in the water. Also, do not leave the water open. This can cause mosquitoes to lay their eggs in it.

Don’t eat street food

As soon as a few drops of rain fall, we start craving to eat outside food. However, flies keep sitting on the food kept outside in the open, due to which the food gets contaminated and eating it can cause infection. Secondly, there is no guarantee whether fresh vegetables have been added to street food or not and whether they have been cleaned properly or not. So, suppress your desire a little during monsoon and eat only home-cooked food.

Do not eat raw food

In monsoon, insects and germs start growing on raw vegetables and fruits. Therefore, eating them raw can be harmful for you. Therefore, avoid drinking salad or juice etc. in this season and eat vegetables only after washing and cooking them properly.

Eat Probiotics

To avoid stomach infection in this season, it is important that your gut health remains good. For this, definitely include probiotics in your diet . These will reduce the risk of stomach infection. For this, you can include curd and buttermilk in the diet. However, if you have a cold and cough problem, then instead of these, include kefir, kimchi or other fermented foods in the diet.

Boost your immunity

To avoid infection, it is important that you increase your immunity. For this, include foods rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, folate, vitamin A, vitamin-B and magnesium in your diet. This will increase your immunity and you will fall ill less often.
