
Home Zym  Due to lack of time, your dream of joining a gym is not being fulfilled. You have to go to office early in the morning and after returning from office at night, you are so tired that you do not have the courage to go to the gym. In such a situation, there is no need to worry.


Today we are telling you some ways to do gym at home. Now you can start gym at home by ordering some gym equipment. You will start feeling improvement in four weeks. Because sometimes it can be difficult to find time to go to the gym, but by working out at home you can maintain your fitness. Let us tell you that here are some items that you can buy to work out at home.


1. Dumbbells: You can do a variety of exercises with dumbbells, such as biceps curls, triceps extensions, and shoulder presses. You can do biceps and shoulders very well with dumbbells. You can order dumbbells of different weights. With this, you can build biceps in less time.


2. Resistance Band: You can do various types of exercises with resistance bands, such as chest press, shoulder rotation, and leg curl. You can do many types of exercises with this. At the same time, it is also a great option for chest press. 


3. Yoga Mat: With the help of yoga mat, you can do various types of yoga postures, such as downward-facing dog, warrior pose, and tree pose. At the same time, many times exercises to reduce belly fat have to be done lying down, so yoga mat is a good option for you. 


4. Jump rope: You can do cardio exercises with jump rope, such as jumping jacks and rope jumping. Jump rope is also a great exercise for stretching. If you are not able to go for a walk many times, then you can do indoor exercise with jump rope.  


5. Pull-up bar: With a pull-up bar, you can do exercises like pull-ups and chin-ups. It is also a great option for shoulders and triceps. With kettlebells, you can do a variety of exercises, such as swings, clean and press, and snatch.


6. Medicine ball: With medicine ball you can do various types of exercises, such as rotational throws and slams. On the other hand, you can use foam roller to roll your muscles and reduce stress. By purchasing these items, you can workout at home and maintain your fitness.