
New Delhi. Benefits of Eating with Hands: Eating with hands is not just a tradition, but this tradition also provides many health benefits. Ayurveda has also accepted this. Considering the need and environment, people have started eating with spoons, but whenever you get a chance to eat with hands, you should not miss this opportunity. Ayurveda works to keep us connected to nature.   

Dr. Diksha Bhavasar Savaliya, who is an Ayurvedic doctor, has shared information about the benefits of eating with hands on her social media. She often shares such health-related tips and keeps working to make people aware about health. Let us know about these benefits.

1. According to Ayurveda, eating with hands keeps the digestive system healthy. Many stomach related problems are cured.

2. According to Ayurveda, the five fingers of the hand represent sky (thumb), air (index finger), fire (middle finger), water (ring finger), earth (little finger). Eating with hands maintains the balance of these five elements in the body and also provides energy to the body. 

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3. Apart from this, when we touch the food with our hands, a signal is sent to the brain that we are ready to eat, due to which the brain releases necessary digestive enzymes, which help in digesting the food easily. 

4. While eating with hands, we are able to understand how much to eat, what to eat, and at what speed to eat, which helps in making the process of digestion easier.

5. If you want to keep your digestive system healthy, then make it a habit to eat with your hands instead of spoons, but take special care of one thing while eating with hands. Wash your hands with soap before and after eating.