
ew Delhi. Lauki Seeds Nutrients: Like bitter gourd, pumpkin, ridge gourd, lauki is also one of the most disliked vegetables. Feeding gourd vegetable to children or adults is a task. You can feed them this vegetable indirectly, but gourd is rich in many such nutrients, which our body needs daily and eating it in summers is even more beneficial. Along with gourd, its seeds also have many hidden benefits. About which we will know today.

Nutrient-rich bottle gourd seeds

Bottle gourd seeds are rich in vitamin C, iron , magnesium, fiber, manganese, zinc, thiamine, riboflavin. Also, they are very low in calories and saturated fat. Bottle gourd seeds contain phytochemicals which are effective in curing fungal infections. 

Bottle gourd seeds keep digestion healthy

Fiber-rich foods play a huge role in keeping the digestive system healthy, which is present in bottle gourd seeds. Fiber keeps many problems like constipation, gas, indigestion, acidity away. It does not contain saturated fat, due to which it is also beneficial for heart and diabetes patients. 


How to use gourd seeds

If the gourd is overripe and it is not possible to make a vegetable out of it, then you can remove its seeds. Wash these seeds and dry them well in the sun. If you want, you can make a powder of them or you can use them whole. 

  • Bottle gourd seeds can be added to raita or can even be used in chutney.
  • If you eat porridge, oats or millets for breakfast, then you can mix gourd seeds powder in it. 
  • You can add it in whole or powdered form to homemade cookies, muffins and sandwiches. 

