Aligarh News Today: Recently, Allahabad High Court judge Justice Shekhar Yadav made an objectionable statement about a particular community at a program of Vishwa Hindu Parishad. After Justice Shekhar Yadav's statement went viral, voices of protest were raised against it in political circles, different organizations and almost the entire country.
Senior advocate Prashant Bhushan and opposition MPs lodged their protest at their level regarding this incident. Later, the Supreme Court intervened in this matter and sought a report. However, now the advocates of Aligarh have supported the objectionable statement of Justice Shekhar Yadav.
Advocates wrote a letter in blood.
In fact, in Aligarh's Civil Court premises, advocates wrote a letter in blood to the CJI and the Lok Sabha Speaker in support of Allahabad High Court judge Shekhar Kumar Yadav and supported his statement. The supporting advocates have demanded a proposal to bring impeachment against Justice Shekhar through MPs and dismissal of Prashant Bhushan's complaint.
Senior advocates of Aligarh said that on the basis of Justice Shekhar Yadav's statement, some MPs with anti-national mindset and people like Kapil Sibal, Prashant Bhushan target nationalists holding constitutional posts only to remain in the headlines.
Senior advocates gave warning
Advocate said, "Justice Shekhar Yadav's statement is the reality of the current scenario." Advocates have warned that if any action is taken against Justice Shekhar Yadav, we advocates will come together and take to the streets. They say that if needed, we will blacken the houses of MPs who are in favor of impeachment and people like Prashant Bhushan, Kapil Sibal.
Senior advocates supporting the statements of Justice Shekhar Yadav said, "We are ready to sacrifice every drop of our blood for nationalists like him. In democratic India, the constitution made by Baba Saheb provides personal ideological freedom to everyone." The advocates said, "Justice Shekhar Yadav has put the reality in front of the common people by speaking the bitter truth about the current scenario of India in a private program."