The recent incident at Gorewada Rescue Center in Nagpur has created a stir across the country. Here three tigers and a leopard died due to infection of avian flu H5N1 virus (H5N1 Bird Flu Virus). This incident can prove to be a serious threat to wildlife.
Let us tell you that these animals died in December, after which their samples were sent to the National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases (ICAR), which revealed that they were infected with the H5N1 virus, which caused their death. Since then, a red alert has been issued in all zoos and forest departments of Maharashtra (H5N1 outbreak).
What is avian flu?
Avian flu, also known as bird flu, is a highly contagious viral disease that primarily affects birds. However, in some cases it can spread to other animals and humans as well. The disease often spreads through bird feces, saliva or nasal secretions.
Let us tell you that a very serious case of H5N1 virus has been reported in America. The first serious human case of this virus was reported in a person living in Louisiana. It has also been found that in serious cases, this virus can also mutate in the human body, which is making it more dangerous. It is also feared that due to this, an epidemic like Covid-19 can also come, which can be even more dangerous than that. However, the thing to understand is that this is not related to Covid-19.
Let us know what are the symptoms of bird flu and what things should be kept in mind to prevent it.
Symptoms of Bird Flu in Humans (H5N1 Bird Flu Symptoms in Humans)
- Fever
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Difficulty in breathing
- Burning sensation in the eyes
- Diarrhea
- Vomit
- In some cases, it can also cause serious complications like pneumonia.
How does bird flu spread?
Bird flu spreads mainly through contact with infected birds. It can be transmitted through the feces, saliva, or nasal secretions of infected birds. Therefore, people who have a pet bird at home or come to see birds or work with poultry need to be more careful. The severity of bird flu can be detected by testing in poultry.
Ways to prevent bird flu
- Avoid contact with birds – If you live or work near a poultry farm, take precautions to avoid contact with infected birds.
- Take care of personal hygiene – wash hands regularly, especially after touching birds or infected surfaces.
- Avoid eating raw or undercooked meat – Poultry products, such as eggs, chicken, etc., must be cooked thoroughly to kill any potential viruses.
- Report sick birds- If you find a sick or dead bird, immediately inform the local authorities. Timely detection of infected birds helps prevent the spread of bird flu.