
Lifestyle Desk, New Delhi.  Many couples keep posting lots of photos with the hashtag Happy Married Life on their social media, but in real life, they are upset with their partners. To live a happy married life, things like mutual understanding, love, and trust are not required. Of course, when two people of different natures come together, many types of problems arise, but to solve them it is necessary to talk. Small fights are common in relationships, but if these are happening regularly, then you need to pay attention to your habits, which can increase the distance in relationships. 

lack of communication

To resolve any issue, it is necessary to talk to each other. If you have a fight but avoid talking to end it or keep talking in roundabout ways , then this is not good for the relationship.  

shirk responsibilities

Even if both of you are working, and even if one of you is working, you will have to divide the responsibilities of household and outside work. The habit of avoiding work or avoiding it can take a toll on relationships. Because of this, there are many fights among themselves. After a while, when the waters go above your head, the only option that seems to be separation. 

not to respect

Another thing that is necessary to run the car of a relationship is respect for each other. Appreciate each other's work, and understand their contribution to the relationship. If there is a lack of this from either partner, then know that it is not possible for the relationship to last for long. 

unnecessary anger

Getting angry over small things, and getting angry unnecessarily… these can also become the cause of conflict in your good relationship. It is difficult to have a conversation with a partner who is angry all the time. Sit down and talk about whatever makes you angry and find a solution to your anger.
