
New Delhi . The market which was disappointed with the election result on Tuesday, seemed to be recovering on Wednesday after seeing the formation of the NDA government under the leadership of Narendra Modi. On Tuesday, the Sensex had fallen by more than 4000 points due to BJP not getting the majority. On Wednesday, after TDP and JDU confirmed their joining the NDA government, the Sensex closed with a rise of 2303.20 points at 74,382.24 points. At the same time, Nifty also saw a rise of 735.85 points and Nifty closed at 22,620 points.

There may be more excitement in the market in future

Economic experts believe that by Thursday, a claim for the formation of NDA government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be presented. Therefore, now the market will be seen on the path of recovery. On Wednesday, shares of companies like auto, metal, pharma saw a rise, but the share prices of government companies continued to fall. Seeing the low chances of easy disinvestment of government companies in the coalition government, investors are showing indifference towards the shares of government companies.

Vivek Jalan, partner of Tax Connect Advisory Services, said that the country's economic fundamentals are strong and everything from tax collection to GDP growth rate is increasing significantly. The huge fall in the market on Tuesday after the election results cannot last for long.

Indian stock market is more than five trillion dollars

According to experts, if there is any obstacle in the formation of the government, the market will be affected again. Even if the government is formed under the new leadership, the market will definitely react sharply. In terms of value, the size of the Indian stock market has become more than five trillion dollars. Therefore, Indian politics is completely affecting the mood of foreign investors.

According to experts, Friday is the last day of the RBI's monetary policy review committee meeting and on this day all eyes will be on the governor's announcement. No change is expected in bank rates, but investors will be watching the RBI's response to the coalition government.
