New Delhi. Recently, some people joined my office team. Which included two girls and four boys. On the first day of joining, there was no special conversation between them, but from the very next day, both the boys were talking as if two long lost friends had met. On the other hand, there were four girls, but there was no hi-hello between them. After days, weeks, months, their friendship reached a point where they used to sit together and have lunch. Their friendship was limited to the office only, while the boys used to put status of partying after office or trip on weekends. Seeing this situation, I started noticing why men make friendship quickly and last longer than women. I also talked to my male friends about this and they also told me many reasons, which I found right to a large extent.
the habit of being carefree
While women consider many things like nature, mood, way of talking etc. before making friends with someone, these things do not matter for men. For them friendship means just similarity of views
the habit of forgetting
In a friendship, it is a good thing to forget small things, forgive and move on , which is not a big task for men, but it is difficult for women to do so. Due to which sometimes a good friendship also breaks.
don't take things to heart
Friendship is a carefree relationship. We think carefully before speaking in front of relatives, but in front of friends we say whatever comes to our mind. If a friend says something that hurts, men react and forget it and do not think much about it, whereas women cannot do this. One reason for this is their sensitive nature. Which is not wrong, but in the case of friendship, it sometimes creates problems.