
New Delhi: Just imagine, you are fond of cooking and you have been doing it for years, but if suddenly someone comes and gives you step by step instructions to make a dish, how will you feel? Surely you will get angry and irritated. Doing this at the workplace is called micromanagement.   

Understand the issue of micromanagement

In micro management, the boss or your senior keeps an eye on your every small activity and keeps trying to control you. This reduces the desire of the employees to work and they feel a lot of stress. Due to stress, either the work is not done or the quality work is not done. Which is neither good for the employee nor for the company. In simple words, this leads to a decline in productivity and creativity. 

Disadvantages of micro management

Micro management not only harms the employees but also causes harm to the seniors and the company. Let's know how?

Productivity starts going down

When the boss starts monitoring your every work, it takes away your freedom to work, due to stress the work slows down or it does not get done at all. Time is wasted due to the boss's permission or discussion before every work. Due to all these things, you are not able to give your 100% in work even if you want to.

Always looking for a new job

Working under a micromanaged boss becomes so difficult that employees keep looking for new jobs more than working . As soon as a good opportunity comes their way, they do not think twice before leaving the company. The departure of many employees at once also has a bad effect on the company's image.

mental health is affected

Working under someone's supervision despite knowing your capabilities causes a lot of stress. Sometimes this stress can also lead to depression. Poor mental health also affects physical health. To do good work, along with a fit body, the mind should also be relaxed.

Boss or seniors should understand this problem deeply and pay attention to it.
