
New Delhi. How To Increase Cooling Of Cooler: After the scorching heat, the humidity increasing day by day has made life miserable for people. In such a situation, the biggest problem is for those who have a cooler installed, because in this season, instead of giving coolness, it is increasing the stuffiness and stickiness in the room. If you are also troubled by this problem, and are tired of trying every solution, then it is possible that this article will solve your problem. Here we are going to tell you some such simple tips (Air Cooler Cooling Tips) by following which cool air like AC can be obtained from the cooler also. Let's find out.

These methods will increase the cooling of the cooler

First method

You have to buy an Earthen Pot from the market and bring it home and then make 4-5 holes in its bottom using a drill machine. After this, open the lid of the cooler and put its motor inside the pot and place the pot in the middle of the cooler. Now when you fill water in the cooler, it will fill the pot as well and due to the evaporation caused by it, the cooler will start giving 3 times more cool air.

Second method

If you want to make the air of the cooler cooler, then it is important to pay attention to its cooling pad. If you have installed a honeycomb pad in it, then know that it does not give as much cooling as the grass pad. In such a case, replace the honeycomb pad with a grass pad. Then you will find that its cooling effect has increased manifold.

Keep these things in mind too

If you are buying a new cooler , pay special attention to its quality. Its flow rate should be at least 800 liters/hour, so that the circulation of water remains better and water reaches the pad properly.

Apart from this, you can get a new cooling pad installed every season because it gets dirty very quickly due to smoke, dirt and garbage in the water, due to which its holes start getting clogged and many bacteria also start growing in it.
