
Hypothyroidism, also known as thyroid deficiency, is a condition in which the thyroid glands are less active and do not release enough thyroid hormone into the blood. Due to this fatigue persists in the body and the body temperature cannot tolerate cold. There is also a risk of increased heart rate and anemia. If hypothyroidism is not treated on time, it can cause a difference in the shape and structure of the face.

How hypothyroidism affects facial appearance

Swelling on the face

Hypothyroidism causes swelling on the face. Thyroid hormones are also present in the skin and hair. When these hormones are deficient, the skin has to metabolize a molecule called glycosaminoglycan. When thyroid hormone is deficient, these molecules start accumulating. Due to this water gets attracted and the fluids start accumulating.

Excessive dryness in the skin

Due to hypothyroidism, the skin often looks dry, cold, pale and waxy. But it is very hard to touch. Sometimes the skin starts peeling off.

Hair loss

Hair loss also starts due to hypothyroidism. Even the hair in the eyebrows starts falling.

Acne and swelling around the eyes

Acne starts appearing on the face and there is swelling around the eyes as well.

Changes in voice

Due to the thyroid gland becoming less active, there is a change in the voice. Your voice may become slow and heavy.

Sometimes changes are seen in the eyes and nose as well and the nose appears wider and the eyes appear bigger. The reason for this is swelling and less activity of the thyroid gland in the skin.

However, proper treatment of hypothyroidism can get rid of all these problems.