
With increasing age, people's bones start weakening. If you also want to keep your bone health strong for a long time, then you should pay special attention to your diet. Actually, due to calcium deficiency, you may have to face problems like joint pain. If you want to protect yourself from such problems, then definitely include some calcium rich food items in your diet plan. 

Chia Seeds

Apart from calcium, chia seeds also contain a good amount of nutrients. Chia seeds can be consumed to get relief from joint pain. To get better results, you should consume these seeds in small quantities only.


Health experts often recommend making broccoli a part of the diet to overcome calcium deficiency in the body. Broccoli can improve your bone health to a great extent. 


If you also think that eating almonds can only improve your brain health, then you should get rid of this misconception. Almonds can help prevent calcium deficiency in your body. If you want to protect your bone health from getting damaged, then start eating a handful of almonds every day. 


Vitamin C rich orange can prove to be effective in removing calcium deficiency in the body. Apart from this, by consuming orange, you can also strengthen your immunity to a great extent. 


To strengthen bone health and protect yourself from joint pain in old age, start eating spinach. Green leafy vegetables like spinach can also prove to be helpful in improving your overall health. 
