
New Delhi: Along with the Green Revolution, the White Revolution has also played an important role in the development of farmers. The Green Revolution was started to become self-sufficient in crop production. On the other hand, the aim of the White Revolution was to increase milk production along with improving the economic condition of the farmers. With the increase in milk production, while the general public will get milk at a lower price, on the other hand, farmers will benefit from it.

Today India is the world's largest milk producer. This goal has been achieved only because of the White Revolution. Along with becoming the largest milk producer, food security also improved and the availability and quality of milk products also increased.

The revolution began in the 1970s

The White Revolution is also called the "Milk Revolution". This revolution has played an important role in improving the economic condition of farmers in rural areas of India and changing their fate. This revolution started in the 1970s. Its main objective was to promote milk production in the country, so that India could be made self-sufficient in milk production. This revolution improved the income and standard of living of farmers along with increasing milk production.

Dr Verghese Kurien started the White Revolution. He is also called the 'Father of White Revolution'. Operation Flood is also an important and big part of this revolution. In this revolution, cooperative societies were first formed to accelerate milk production. In this, small farmers and milk producers got fair prices along with a stable market.

Earlier, farmers had to sell milk at a low price, but through cooperative societies, they are able to sell milk at a better price.

Financially empowered farmers

The White Revolution empowered farmers and cattle rearers economically. After this revolution, farmers are not dependent only on farming. Many times, due to weather and other reasons, crop production is not good. In such a situation, farmers had to face financial loss. In this situation, milk production became the source of regular income for farmers. This improved the economic condition of the farmers.

Role of women in the white revolution

The White Revolution has played an important role for women along with farmers. Women got employment opportunities for milk production and distribution and they became financially self-reliant. With self-reliance, women got a new identity in the society and their self-confidence also increased.

The milk industry got strengthened by the white revolution

In today's time, milk production has developed as an industry. Along with the milk industry, many related businesses also emerged in the villages like animal fodder, animal husbandry etc. All these businesses created new employment opportunities in the villages and also strengthened the rural economy.

Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that the White Revolution really changed the fate of the farmers. This proves that if a revolution is brought about with the right planning, then it is important for the welfare of the people as well as for the development of the country.
