
New Delhi. Instant Noodles Side Effects: Elders have always said that hasty work is not of man, but of the devil. Something similar applies to instant noodles, which take hardly a few minutes to prepare. It is possible that some packets of it are present in your house too. In such a situation, let us make you aware of some such harm caused by it in this article today, knowing which you will also be stunned. Yes, these noodles which taste delicious are no less than a poison for health. Let's find out.

High blood pressure

Instant noodles are rich in sodium, which increases blood pressure. According to WHO, consuming more than 2 grams of sodium per day can be harmful for the body, which can lead to heart-related diseases.

Poor digestion

Consuming instant noodles is also not considered good from the digestive point of view. This can cause problems like indigestion, dyspepsia, gas and acidity and it also causes a lot of harm to gut health.


Weak bones

If you also eat noodles often, then it weakens the bones. The Ajinomoto present in it is not good for bone health at all. The amount of fiber, vitamins and protein in it is anyway less, so instead of benefit, it harms the health. Let us tell you, it should not be consumed even by mistake in case of arthritis.

These diseases get a direct invitation

Consuming instant noodles not only causes high blood pressure, poor digestion or joint pain, but also poses a risk of many serious diseases. MSG is used to add flavor to it, the long-term effects of which can prove to be very dangerous. It also increases the risk of abnormal headache, dizziness, memory problems and neurological disorders. Also, you can suffer from liver and kidney related problems.
