
News of humans kidnapping humans keep coming often, but have you read or heard about a robot kidnapping another robot? In this era of advanced technology, a similar incident has come to light in China, where an AI robot 'kidnapped' 12 robots from another company's showroom. The entire incident has been captured on CCTV cameras.


Debate rages on misuse of AI

This interesting incident may seem fun to read and hear, but it has sparked a new concern and debate about the misuse of AI. According to media reports, in the CCTV footage, a small robot named Irby is seen interacting with robots larger than itself in the showroom of Shanghai Robotics Company. He persuades them to leave the workplace. After this, they are seen leaving the showroom.


The video was believed to be fake

Initially, the video was thought to be fake, but later both the companies, the Shanghai company and the Hangzhou manufacturer, confirmed the incident. It was reported that Irby somehow managed to gain access to the operating system of the larger robots, helping to control their actions.


According to the report, a spokesperson for the Hangzhou robot manufacturer confirmed that the tiny robot in the video was one of their models (Irby). The alleged 'kidnapping' was real, while the Shanghai company also confirmed the incident, saying that the tiny robot was able to access the internal operating protocols of their robots. The company also said that it is nearly impossible for a robot to communicate alone and hijack other robots.


This is how conversations took place between robots

In the CCTV footage, a small robot is seen walking towards other big robots and then asking them about their working hours. To this, one of the robots replied, 'I never take leave from work.' To this, he asks, 'So you are not going home?' In response to this, he says, 'I don't have a home.' Then the small robot said, 'Come home with me.' He said this while showing the way out of the showroom.