
Depression is a mood disorder that can affect people of any class. However, women are generally more affected by depression than men. When today's woman is becoming multitasking and earning the title of superpower and independent woman, it is important to understand that she is a human first. Multitasking is as difficult and tiring for her as it is for a man. In such a situation, due to not getting rest, putting the needs of others above one's own and living up to the expectation of being productive all the time, a woman is the most prone to depression today.


Along with this, biological reasons, hormonal reasons and social pressure also promote depression. Then some women go into depression when their career is at stake or when a child is born. There are many such reasons which cause depression for women in particular. In such a situation, it is important for women to identify the symptoms of depression in themselves, because most women are not aware that they are victims of depression, so let us know some symptoms of depression seen in women-


Signs of depression in women

  • irritability
  • mood swing
  • Exhaustion
  • lack of interest in anything
  • Lack of sleep/insomnia
  • weight loss or gain
  • Excessive hunger or no appetite at all
  • Negative Thoughts and Overthinking
  • Crying or wanting to cry without reason
  • Zero Self Care
  • don't care about your looks
  • Loneliness
  • memory loss and trouble concentrating

Women should be alert and deal with depression like this-

  • If you are aware and you know that you are suffering from depression, then help yourself. Set your limits, beyond which you will not use your body and mind. Do not allow others to cross these limits. Instead of following others, listen to your heart and mind and whenever you feel like eating something good, wearing something good and seeing good things.
  • Take the help of yoga and meditation. This plays an important role in most therapies to cure depression.
  • If you are not successful in self-care, seek expert advice. Take help of psychotherapy.
  • In serious cases, take anti-depressant medicines and according to experts, get referred under the supervision of a good psychiatrist.
  • Nowadays, many helpline services are provided where women suffering from depression can share their problems and get a solution.