
Many people experience a cold, cough, or flu-like symptoms as soon as the weather changes. But why does this happen? Experts suggest that fluctuating temperatures and a weakened immune system play a major role in making us more vulnerable to infections during seasonal transitions.

Causes of Seasonal Colds:

 Weakened Immunity – Sudden weather shifts put stress on the immune system, making it less effective at fighting viruses.
 Increased Virus Activity – Cold and flu viruses thrive in changing temperatures, increasing the risk of infections.
 Lower Body Temperature – Exposure to cold weather can reduce blood circulation, slowing down immune response.
 Dry Air & Indoor Heating – Dry conditions during winter or air-conditioned spaces can irritate nasal passages, making it easier for viruses to enter the body.
Frequent Temperature Changes – Moving between hot and cold environments weakens the body's ability to regulate temperature, affecting immunity.

How to Strengthen Immunity & Prevent Seasonal Colds?