People who are conscious about their health often make exercise, yoga and other physical activities a part of their routine. These activities play an important role in keeping the body healthy, but do you know what you should eat after a workout (post-workout meal) so that you can get maximum benefit from the hard work done in the gym?
We all know that fitness freaks start their day with a healthy breakfast, but if you exercise regularly, you also need to pay special attention to your post-workout diet. The body expends a lot of energy during exercise and it is very important to replenish it.
Eating after a workout provides the body with many essential nutrients, which help in muscle repair and growth. Apart from this, it gives energy to the body and reduces fatigue. So let's know about some such food items (healthy post-workout snacks) that you can eat after a workout.

1) Whole grain bread and pulses
Eating lentils with whole grain roti after workout can be very beneficial. It is a good source of anti-oxidants and nutrients for better recovery. This type of roti is rich in carbohydrates, fiber and protein. Along with this, pulses like tur, gram, moong and lentil are rich in nutrients like protein and minerals. Which not only fills your stomach but also helps in weight loss, because eating them does not make you feel hungry for a long time and you avoid overeating.
2) Dry fruits
Consuming dry fruits like cashews, almonds, and walnuts after workout helps in muscle recovery and increasing energy. These dry fruits are rich in calcium, vitamins, fiber, omega 3 fatty acids and flavonoids. Which are helpful in keeping our body fit and healthy. Therefore, you can consume them after the gym.
3) Oats
Oats are beneficial for the body in many ways. It is an excellent option of protein, fiber and carbohydrates. Its consumption provides instant energy and keeps the stomach feeling full for a long time. Therefore, you can eat it after working out.
4) Seeds
Flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and chia seeds contain adequate amounts of protein and omega 3 fatty acids . Therefore, consuming them will provide adequate nutrition to the body and will also help in keeping the body fit, healthy and active.
5) Chickpeas
After working out, consuming gram which is rich in carbohydrates, fiber and protein helps in quick recovery of muscles and also provides energy for the whole day. If we talk about sprouted gram then it is even more beneficial.