
Lunch time has passed and there are still several hours left for your office to end but you are feeling weak and a little sleepy. This is the truth of the work life of every person who goes to the office. Dr. Christopher Rhodes, a nutritionist based in Davis, California, told Bal Hi during an interview, 'When someone feels tired in the afternoon, he starts drinking more coffee so that he does not feel weak, but doing so causes caffeine in the body. The quantity increases due to which you will not be able to sleep at night. Dr. Christopher has suggested some methods that can help prevent feeling weak in the afternoon.

1. Do not eat to your heart's content

Rhodes said, 'Eating whenever you get the chance can cause sleepiness and can also increase blood sugar unnecessarily. Small snacks often do not satisfy our hunger, which means that what you are eating will taste good but will not satisfy your hunger. There are many such snacks in which some ingredients are added which force you to eat more. Therefore avoid taking small meals.

2. Avoid things with high sugar

Rhodes said, 'You should try your best to keep your glucose under control throughout the day. Glucose, which is the simplest form of sugar because whatever sweet you eat, your body stores it in the form of glucose and then provides energy. Even if your glucose level remains high, you may feel weak and tired. That's why experts say that blood glucose should neither be high nor low. There should be balance.

3. Stop Coffee

According to Rhodes, people drink coffee when they feel sleepy and should avoid doing so. Drinking coffee mixed with sugar increases glucose and what happens to it, you have read in the above point. Like sugar, caffeine also gives instant energy but can cause drowsiness within a few hours. Therefore, you can drink green tea instead of coffee because it contains caffeine but also contains other compounds like anti-oxidants and L-theanine. L-theanine is an amino acid that is said to help reduce stress, insomnia, and anxiety. 

4. Have a nutritious lunch

Rhodes advised making your lunch low-carb and including protein and vegetables. Carbohydrates will give you instant energy and can cause glucose spikes. Therefore, always make your lunch nutritious which includes all the things. Therefore, eat a balanced diet of protein, fat, fiber, and carbs, not just high carbs.
