
If there is a blister in the mouth, it causes a lot of pain. Some people often get blisters in their mouth. Which causes a lot of pain. There can be many reasons for blisters in the mouth. But first of all it is important to know which reason is responsible for the blisters. Sometimes due to injury by teeth, hot tea or coffee, wounds occur in the tongue and mouth. So this is normal. But if the blisters are not coming out due to any injury, then it is important to know the way to prevent them.


Small blisters

Small blisters are called normal ulcers. These blisters are white or light yellow in colour and there is redness around them. These blisters are painful. But these blisters heal completely within one to two weeks.


These reasons are responsible for these small ulcers

- Excessive stress

-Due to weakened immune system due to illness

-Blisters also occur in girls due to hormonal changes during periods

-Blisters also occur due to deficiency of vitamin B12

- Ulcers may also occur due to irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, Crohn’s disease or poor digestion.

-Due to drinking dirty water

-If you are smoking continuously, you may get ulcers in your mouth.

large blisters

Blisters that are about two to three centimetres large are called major sores. They take about a month or more to heal.

Large sized ulcers are sometimes caused by tobacco, which also causes cancer.

Home remedies to get rid of small blisters

These home remedies can be used to cure small blisters that appear repeatedly.

-Aloe vera juice cools the stomach and removes heat. Due to which ulcers heal quickly. If aloe vera juice is consumed daily, ulcers heal.

-Chew dry coconut pieces slowly and keep them in the mouth and then swallow. Doing this provides relief from common ulcers.

-Eat less fried, oily, spicy food

-Mix liquorice powder with honey and eat it. This Ayurvedic medicine also cures ulcers quickly.

- Increase the amount of water you drink throughout the day. This will keep your stomach cool and prevent blisters from forming due to heat.

-Add turmeric in lukewarm water and gargle. This also provides relief from ulcers.

-If you get blisters in your mouth, chew cardamom. This gives relief from blisters.
