According to the Vedic calendar, December 22 is the monthly Krishna Janmashtami. Lord Krishna and Radha Rani are worshiped on this day. Also, the fast of monthly Krishna Janmashtami is kept to get the desired groom. The devotees who observe this fast are blessed by Lord Krishna. With his grace, the devotee gets all kinds of material pleasures. The devotees worship Lord Krishna with devotion. According to astrologers, many auspicious yogas are being formed on the monthly Krishna Janmashtami, including Ayushman and Saubhagya Yoga. By worshiping Lord Krishna in these yogas, every wish of the devotee will be fulfilled. Come, know the auspicious time and yoga-
Monthly Krishna Janmashtami auspicious time (Kalashtami Shubh Muhurat)
The Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Paush month will start on 22 December at 02:31 pm. At the same time, Ashtami Tithi will end on 23 December at 05:07 pm. On the monthly Krishna Janmashtami, Lord Krishna is worshipped at midnight. For this, monthly Krishna Janmashtami will be celebrated on 22 December.
Tripushkar Yoga is being formed on the Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Paush month. This yoga is being formed from 07:31 am. At the same time, Tripushkar Yoga will end at 02:31 pm. At the same time, there is also a coincidence of Ayushman Yoga. This yoga is till 07 pm on 22 December. After this, Saubhagya Yoga is being formed. Worshiping Lord Krishna in this yoga will increase happiness and good fortune. Along with this, all kinds of sorrows and troubles prevailing in life will go away.
Karana and Nakshatra
The combination of Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra is being formed on the Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Paush month. Along with this, the combination of Bav and Balav Karan is being formed. By worshipping Lord Krishna in these combinations, the fasting person will get the desired result.
Sunrise - at 07:10 am
Sunset - 05:30 pm
Brahma Muhurta - from 05:21 am to 06:16 am
Vijay Muhurat - from 02:03 pm to 03:44 pm
Twilight time - from 05:27 pm to 05:44 pm
Nishita Muhurta - from 11:53 pm to 12:48 am