
Chapped Lips Remedies: In the summer season, a significant effect can be seen on the skin as well as the lips. The problem of drying and cracking of lips is seen not only in winter but also in summer. Let us tell you that just as the body needs to be kept hydrated, similarly, the lips also need to be kept hydrated. One reason for chapped and dry lips is not having a sufficient amount of water in the body. Drinking less water can also cause cracked and dry lips. In the summer season, a little carelessness towards health and eating habits can spoil your health. Therefore, one should take more care of health during this season. Many people have to face a lot of trouble due to cracked lips in this season. If you are also troubled by the problem of chapped lips in summer, then you can take the help of these home remedies.

These home remedies help protect the lips from chapped lips 

1. Cucumber-

If you are troubled by the problem of dry and cracked lips, then you can rub cucumber juice or cucumber and keep it on your lips for 8-10 minutes, it can also help in softening your lips.

2. Honey-

To protect the lips from drying, mix honey with Vaseline and apply it on slip slip,s and then clean it with a clean cloth or cotton. Apart from protecting your lips from chapping, it can also help in making them soft and shiny. 

3. Coconut Oil-

Coconut oil acts as a natural moisturizer. It contains fatty acids which can help in keeping the skin hydrated as well as keeping the lips soft. Mixing one to two drops of essential oil in coconut oil and applying it can provide relief from the problem of chapped lips.
