
New Delhi. According to the World Health Organization, after heart disease, osteoporosis is the second disease in the world that affects a large number of people. It is a type of silent killer in which the bones gradually start becoming hollow. Nutrients in the diet are essential to take care of bone health in old age, but you can also make bones stronger by giving up some habits. Let's find out.

Sitting in one place for too long

People often spend hours sitting in one place in the office. If you also do this or remain glued to the mobile or laptop day and night, then change this habit immediately. Let us tell you that this has a very bad effect on the bones and the muscles also start weakening. In such a situation, try not to sit in one place for too long and include exercise in your daily routine.

Drinking soda or cold drinks

Soda and cold drinks are not only harmful for health, but do you know that consuming them also weakens bones? Yes, in fact, the sugar, artificial color, carbonated water and acids present in them cause great harm to bone health .


People who smoke also have to deal with bone weakness. This habit quietly makes your bones hollow, which increases the risk of fractures even in a minor injury. Therefore, if you want strong bones, then give up this habit immediately.

Excessive salt intake

People who have a habit of using too much salt have weaker bones than others. If you also like to take more salt in your food, then stop it immediately, because it slowly starts absorbing the calcium present in the bones, which can later take the form of a serious disease like osteoporosis.

Body weight is also responsible

Bad eating habits also weaken bones. Osteoporosis usually affects those people whose weight is less or more than required. In such a situation, you have to take a good diet but also avoid unhealthy food so that the body weight is maintained.
