Smoking is very harmful for health. It harms the body in many ways. It is a dangerous habit that can lead you to death. Smoking can not only cause lung cancer, but it can also be harmful for your skin, eyes and brain. This is the reason why health experts always recommend quitting it. However, it is not so easy to quit smoking addiction (Quit smoking benefits).
In such a situation, with the help of small efforts, you can gradually reduce this addiction and then completely stop it. You will be surprised to know that the positive health effects of quitting smoking start appearing only 20 minutes after your last cigarette. Today in this article we will tell you what kind of changes will be seen in your body (Changes after stopping smoking) by not smoking cigarettes or bidis for 8 hours to a week (Effects of no smoking for a week). Dr. Geeta Shra, Director of Newbella Center for Women's Health, New Delhi, is explaining this in detail.
Effects of not smoking for 8 hours
If you go eight hours without smoking, this will return your carbon monoxide levels to a more normal level. Carbon monoxide is a chemical in cigarette smoke that replaces oxygen particles in the blood, reducing the amount of oxygen available to your tissues.
In such a situation, when carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body, the oxygen level becomes normal and these tissues and blood vessels get nourishment, which were getting less oxygen due to smoking.
The effect of not smoking for 24 hours
By not smoking for a day , many positive changes are seen in your body. This reduces the level of nicotine in your blood by a very small amount. Also, the contraction of veins and arteries decreases, which increases the oxygen level going to the heart. This improves your heart functioning and reduces the chances of heart attack.
If you do not smoke for 48 hours
If you go 48 hours without smoking , the previously damaged nerve endings start to recover. Not only this, you will feel that the senses that were previously dulled due to smoking are improving. You will also realize that you will be able to smell and taste things better than before
after 72 hours of not smoking
Within three days of quitting smoking, you will find that you are able to breathe more easily than before. This is because the bronchial tubes inside the lungs begin to relax and become more open. This also makes air exchange between carbon dioxide and oxygen easier.
The effect of not smoking for a week
If you successfully stay without smoking for a week, then carbon monoxide in the blood drops to normal levels. If you stay without smoking for a week, then this will not only help you quit smoking but will also have amazing health benefits.